Every winter, your furnace runs a marathon, the likes of which no human could endure. Once it goes on, it tends to stay on, taking the occasional break for a warm day or even a warm spell. Other than that, it’s business as usual. As the heating season starts winding down, no doubt a couple…
The Problem with New-Carpet Odor
“New” can be a wonderful scent. A car with leather interior, a scented candle lit for the first time, a batch of cookies fresh out of the oven, fresh basil from the garden – these and more do a remarkable job of awakening our senses. Then again, some new household odors aren’t nearly as inviting.…
Common Home Furnace Myths
Keeping your home and family toasty while keeping heating costs down can be a challenge during a typical DFW area winter. Fortunately, there are several creative ways to beat the odds, like sealing up drafty windows and running ceiling fans in reverse. But there’s more furnace advice “out there” you should absolutely ignore. Here are…
Is an Open Floor Plan Really for You?
Tune into just about any home improvement show and you’re bound to hear the terms “open concept” or “open floor plan” at least half a dozen times. And although this design trend, which first appeared in the 1950s, continues to dominate the remodeling and new construction scene, more and more homeowners are starting to rethink…
How to Minimize Clutter
It’s hard to throw away a gift, right? Even if you know it’s something you’ll never use. And even if you know the gift-giver would be none the wiser were the gift were to join the rest of this week’s trash. Still, you keep it anyway. But now, what to do with it? You have…
Should I Replace My Furnace??
Quick, and no peeking: when did you purchase your furnace? Of, if you inherited it from the previous owners, when did they purchase it? No, this is not a trivia quiz. It’s a serious question to help you determine if its’ time to replace your furnace…or least consider the possibility. Since we’ve already brought up…
Why Isn’t My Furnace Working?
Before you call out the national guard to restore heat in your home, why not try a few often-successful DIY steps first. You’ll get your heat back faster that way, and you’ll save some money. Clean or Replace the Filter – Nothing gums up the works like a clogged, dirty filter. In fact, don’t wait…
What You Should Know About Your Gas Furnace
There’s a furnace in your house. It keeps you warm. From time to time it needs maintenance. When it’s working well, you’re warm and comfortable from one room to the next. When it’s not up to par, you notice a lack of heat, or none at all. That’s about as much as the average person…
Home Safety Starts at the Front Door
Thoughts about home safety quickly turn to things we shouldn’t leave in plain sight – like valuables in the car, delivered packages on the doorstep, a week’s worth of mail in the mailbox, and bikes in the driveway. Doing so can make your home and possessions easy targets for the bad guys. And yet, did…
How to Choose a New Furnace
Here’s the short answer: “Don’t even try unless you’re an HVAC professional in your own right.” You see, today there are numerous makes and models of home new furnace with similar options and comparable quality. Nine times out of ten, you can’t go wrong. Where you can go wrong is hiring the wrong heating and…