How to Reduce Home Clutter

The longer you’ve lived in your home, the more “stuff” you’ve amassed. Most of the time you don’t notice it because it’s become your new norm.  But then that fateful day arrives when you’re looking for something you haven’t used in months and no matter how hard you try it’s nowhere to be found.  In the process, you realize just how much extra stuff you have, wondering how it got there, and now you’re determined to purge.

The only question is, how to go about it.  Here’s some advice we’re confident you’ll find useful.

Change in life circumstances. Have you recently moved, started a new job, had a baby, or suffered an illness? Even the most welcome life events can be stressful and cause us to put off certain household tasks. If clutter is bothering you and you don’t have the time, energy, or resources to tackle it, consider hiring some help. A professional organizer can help you make the most of your space, a moving or unpacking service can finally get you unpacked and settled, and a babysitter can keep your little ones busy while you go through your belongings.

Reduce Home Clutter

Overcome bad habits. Do you routinely drop your jacket by the door or let mail pile up on your counter? Think about your daily habits and how they help or hinder your attempts to live a more organized life. If certain habits are causing any of the messes you encounter, the answer is simple:  start changing one or more of your habits and replace them with those that will solve the problem.  And that leads to our next series of tips.

New organization methods that work. Keep paper clutter at bay with a system for sorting mail – start by removing yourself from mailing lists. Designate a location to store keys, glasses, cellphones, and other frequently used items. A kitchen drawer with a built-in charging port or a small basket placed near an electrical outlet can do the trick. Sort through closets and cubbies, donate items you no longer use, and make room to store coats, shoes, and hand bags.

Get rid of duplicate items. Just how many spatulas do you need? Reducing your collection of duplicate items and not acquiring more will significantly reduce the clutter. Be realistic about what you expect to use and consider borrowing an item you may need only once or twice a year.

Out of sight, out of mind. Do you have boxes of stuff lurking in your basement or attic? Do you even remember what’s in them? Sometimes we avoid deciding what to do with those items, so we stash them away, thus creating a problem and leaving it for another day. Well, don’t wait too long. Instead, create a little time and go through them one at time, keeping what you want and purging or donating what you don’t.

Speaking of bad habits, so many of our customers neglect to have their heating or cooling systems cleaned and inspected once a year. That leads to premature repair problems and reduced equipment life. To help alleviate that problem, contact Optimum Air to schedule preventive maintenance today.  Not only will it help improve system performance and reduce repair costs, you’ll pay less to heat and cool your home.