How to Minimize Clutter

It’s hard to throw away a gift, right?  Even if you know it’s something you’ll never use.  And even if you know the gift-giver would be none the wiser were the gift were to join the rest of this week’s trash.

Still, you keep it anyway.  But now, what to do with it?  You have limited closet space as is, your kitchen drawers and cabinets are busting at the seams, the medicine cabinet can barely house what’s already in there…what to do, what to do?!

Here are a few helpful hints for the home owner who has too much, and not enough room for more.

Minimize Clutter

Downsize your wardrobe. A full closet and nothing to wear – sound familiar? If so, try a capsule wardrobe where you emphasize quality over quantity. Pick out key pieces and accessories (only those that fit and flatter) that you can mix and match to create multiple outfits You’ll be amazed with how much time you’ll save getting ready each morning.

Pare back your beauty products. Do you have a drawer full of beauty products that haven’t been used in…forever? Bid them adieu and keep only those you use routinely. And try to use up the last of any single product before opening or purchasing a new one.

Simplify the kitchen. Pull out all your small kitchen appliances and gadgets, ask yourself if you really use each one, and donate or recycle any that don’t pass muster. A good rule of thumb is, if you haven’t used it in a year, chances are you won’t anytime soon.

Shop from the bulk bins. Not only will you purchase only as much as you need, you’ll reduce the amount of packaging you bring into your home, and ultimately into your garbage or recycling bin.

Borrow before you buy. Whether it’s a book you’re dying to read, a stack of dishes for a large gathering, or extra chairs for a party, see if you can borrow or rent before you buy. If you do need to purchase something you won’t use often, return the favor to family or friends and let them borrow it when they need it.

Go paperless. Reduce the amount of paper that comes into your home by signing up for electronic banking and bill pay; remove your name from mailing lists; scan important documents and receipts and keep them organized electronically.

Digitize photographs and home movies. If you have a cabinet full of old photos and home movies, digitize them so you can access them at the click of a button anytime you want.

Schedule a weekly clean-up. Keep your home clutter free by scheduling a weekly time to fill a bag with items you no longer need. Remember, it’s easier to maintain than it is to catch up!