The Mental Health Benefits of Cooking

Cooking vs. buying prepared meals or ordering take-out is one of life’s healthier alternatives.  Less salt, more control over what’s fresh and what isn’t, and greater variety to suit your family’s personal favorite foods.

But, as science has revealed, there are also very tangible mental health benefits to cooking, too. So, whether you’re a culinary wizard or just trying to move past the “I know my way around a microwave” stage, here are five great reasons to spend more time cooking and baking.

The Mental Health Benefits of Cooking

Brings Joy

Cooking is a rewarding experience – you get to eat a delicious meal at the end. When cooking for others, it’s more rewarding still. Enhance the experience by listening to your favorite music and voila, you’re not just performing another household chore, you’re singing and moving to the beat. How can you help but smile?

Brain Health

Many studies have found that compounds like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, plus vitamins and minerals help protect the brain. When we cook, we have better control of what goes into our bodies.

Boosts Creativity

Even if you now follow recipes to the letter, cooking allows you to see how certain ingredients and spices compliment each other. Once you’ve perfected a recipe, change it up a bit or come up with your own version. Try making something you normally wouldn’t. If it doesn’t work out, you can always get take-out. Just enjoy the fun of thinking outside the box.

Boosts Confidence

When you’ve prepared and served a delicious and satisfying meal, you typically feel a strong sense of pride and accomplishment. This confidence boost can extend into other areas of your life and inspire you to try new things.

Relieves Stress

When you focus on tasks like chopping and stirring, you enter an almost meditative state according to some experts. This process allows you to clear your head, relax your body, and slow down. It requires you to be present and mindful of the tasks at hand, allowing you to let go of stress.

You know what else brings stress?  Trying to cook, clean, or just plain relax when problems arise with your heating or cooling system. That’s another stress you can relieve, this time with one quick call to Optimum Air. We’ll schedule an appointment to perform preventive maintenance, something that should be done annually to help prevent problems and keep your HVAC systems running longer.