Relieve Stress with These Breathing Techniques

Life is often stressful.

No, don’t pat us on the back for being insightful, we’re just stating what you already know so we begin this blog on common ground.

For one thing, stress isn’t always bad. For example, your son wants you to go on the new roller coaster with him and roller coasters freak you out. Not to disappoint him, you go anyway and stress about your decision right up through launch time. Then you’re glad you did it.

But then there’s the bad kind and, in this case, we don’t need to put any examples out there. You already know. The question is, do you know the best ways to relieve that kind of stress?

Certain breathing techniques work for many, perhaps you, too.

Belly Breathing 

Belly breathing is a great way to release anger and dispel upsetting thoughts; it’s also useful for pain relief and general relaxation.

Relieve Stress with These Breathing Techniques

  • Place your right hand over the center of your chest, your left hand over the center of your stomach, and take in a slow deep breath. If the hand on your stomach rises higher than the other, you have successfully drawn that breath deep into your lungs.
  • Exhale through your mouth, letting the breath out slowly and completely. When you feel that your lungs are nearly empty, pull your stomach in a little to squeeze out the last bit of air.
  • Repeat the above steps four times for a refreshing abdominal breathing exercise.

Once you get the hang of this technique, you can keep your hands out of it.

Counting Breaths

Counting breaths is a simple technique that occupies your mind by keeping it focused on counting every time you exhale. As you pay full attention to each outgoing breath, you may notice a gradual easing of tension.

  • Take a few deep breaths and let tension drain away from your shoulders and concentrate on breathing steadily, slowly, and quietly.
  • Repeat this step four times.
  • Start a new cycle of five and keep going until you’re more at peace with the world.

The Calming Breath

Take in a deep breath and hold it for the count of four, then release slowly through slightly pursed lips for the count of eight.  The calming breath also is useful for relieving anger. It can quickly help calm you down and help you gain a sense of clarity and control.

You know what else works great for calming your nerves before and after each busy day of your life?  Having heating and cooling systems that work up to their full potential to help keep you comfortable without the worry of a system meltdown. That’s where we come in: Optimum Air. Ongoing maintenance, high quality repair work, new system installation – we do it all. And all with your satisfaction guaranteed.

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