How to Make Your House Smell Good

Whether you’re preparing to sell or staying put, a stinky house does you no good.  You may get used to unpleasant odors after a while, but your guests or visiting family members won’t. After all, first impressions still count for something.

So, if you want a cleaner, better smelling house, here’s how to go about it.

Make it sparkle. Start with a deep clean; scrub all the nooks and crannies, and wash or vacuum all fabric and upholstered furnishings. Choose unscented or lightly-scented natural or plant-based cleaning products. If you need to use harsher products like bleach, look for those infused with light, fresh scents – or, let your house air out once you’re done cleaning.

House Smell Good

Eliminate odors. Not sure if your house passes the smell test?  Ask your real estate agent or a friend you trust to be honest. If you are planning to sell, avoid cooking with pungent ingredients before showings or an open house. If you have pets, have your carpets and upholstered items professionally cleaned and leave windows open to give lingering detergent odors time to fade. You might even want to temporarily move your cat’s litter box.

Keep it simple. Avoid using blended or complex scents and opt for a single, subtle alternative like lemon, orange, basil, vanilla, or cinnamon. Stay clear of spray or plug-in air fresheners as they tend to overpower a space. Instead, try a reed diffusor or a DIY air freshener spray of ¾ cup water, 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol, and 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil. Combine them in a clean, 8-ounce spray bottle, shake, and give each room a few sprays.

Match the scent to the space. When choosing a scent, think about the special features or location of your home, or the season. For example, if you have a log home, the warm scent of cedar might help enhance the ambience. For a lakeside property, opt for a fresh, crisp scent, like lemon.

Remember, less is more. Don’t drench your home in scent as that can be just as annoying as yesterday’s ham and cabbage.

What if your home smells of must and mold and you can’t locate the source? In that instance, the source might be your heating or cooling system. To find out and make the problem disappear, contact Optimum Air today for our HVAC cleaning and inspection service. It does much more than eliminate unpleasant odors. It will help your system run better, last longer, and reduce your energy costs.