How to Extend the Life of Your AC System

Whether you think of your air conditioning system as an investment or expense, you want to get every last dollar’s worth out of it you possibly can.

Well, there is a right way and wrong way to do that.  The wrong way is much easier to explain:  do nothing at all.  That’s right, just sit back and enjoy the cool air for as long as it lasts without even a hint of system maintenance. That sounds pretty silly when you look at it, but you’d be amazed at how many people are in the “sit back and enjoy” category.

Ongoing AC System Maintenance

You guessed it…we’ve moved along to the “right side” of the equation. The answer is simple enough:  ongoing maintenance will help your system run better, last longer, and help you save bunches of money on electricity.

How to Extend the Life of Your AC System

There are two kinds of system maintenance:  professional and DYI.

On the professional side, consider what Optimum Air has to offer:  periodic AC system clean-and-checks. It’s a very thorough process where we check your filter, tighten all electrical connections, check your thermostats and refrigerant level, and so much more.

Periodic maintenance also enables us to keep an eye out for small problems…that way, we can correct them before things get worse.

There’s also a great deal you can do to prolong the life and good condition of your AC system, including:

  • Clean or replace your filter about every 4 weeks
  • Keep weeds and shrubs away from your outdoor condensing unit so it can properly vent indoor heat
  • Keep an eye on your indoor air handler for water leaks
  • Keep window treatments and all other obstructions away from registers and vents
  • Switch to programmable thermostats so you can give your system a rest in certain areas of your home or at certain times of day
  • Install one or more ceiling fans so you can enjoy all the comfort you want at higher temperature settings

Has it been a year or longer since your AC system was last cleaned and checked?  If so, contact Optimum Air today to schedule service.  We’ll take very, very good care of it.