Home Projects Better Left to a Pro

In life, it’s always important to know when to go it alone, and when to call a pro. For example, with the right tools and a little know-how, most people can change a tire. But it takes a so much more skill and training to rebuild an engine.

The same holds true for home improvement projects.  Hang your own drapery rods? Not all that difficult.  Repaint your bedroom? Messy, more time consuming, but very doable.  These are just two of countless examples on the DIY side of the coin.  But how about those projects better left to a pro?

Here are a few well worth jobbing out:

Home Projects Better Left to a Pro

Woodworking – Whether it’s adding crown molding or building a floor-to-ceiling bookcase, woodworking requires skilled carpentry to get it just right. Since, for example, walls and floors tend not to be perfectly straight, your finished product – no matter how well you’ve performed – can look like a giant mistake.

Floor Sanding and Refinishing – Dreaming of gleaming hardwood floors? While renting the equipment is simple enough, using it is another story. Leave the sander in one spot for a second too long and you’ll have hard-to-fix drum marks…and that’s just one of numerous potential hazards.

Electrical Work – This one is a big no-no for obvious reasons. Short of changing a light bulb, one should not attempt any electrical work without the proper training and experience. Not only do you put yourself at risk of injury, but your home could easily become an electrical fire waiting to happen.

Roof Repairs – Replacing a damaged roof shingle or simply inspecting your roof may not seem that difficult, but if you’re not confident on a ladder or don’t take the proper safety precautions, your next step could land you in the emergency room.

Work That Requires a Permit – A good rule of thumb is:  if the job requires a permit, have a professional do it. Many DIY’ers are tempted to skip the permit and get straight to work.  While this might save a few bucks now, it could come back to haunt you should an inspector stop by or a nosey neighbor report you.

How about cleaning and inspecting your home heating or cooling system?  It’s also a job for a professional and, in this case, the professional HVAC team at Optimum Air. With annual preventive maintenance, we can enhance your family’s comfort and convenience while saving you bunches of money.  Need service?  Just give us a call.