Commercial Indoor Air Quality | Air Quality Solutions for Small Business
Healthier Work Environment, Healthier Staff, Healthier Bottom Line.
Could you work in a smoke-filled room for eight hours a day? How about one with carpet fumes of formaldehyde, toxic fumes from machinery, or printer’s ink so thick you can’t smell anything else?
Of course you couldn’t. Not at full capacity, anyway. And not without one or more possible health risks staring you down.
And yet, without proper indoor air quality, you are, in effect, asking employees, vendors, guests and others to do the same thing. Maybe not as noticeably. But polluted indoor air is just that, and often comes with such negative consequences as headaches, fatigue, and lack of concentration. Unhealthy levels of indoor air also can contribute to chronic health problems, such as asthma, heart and lung disease – not to mention posing concerns for future outbreaks of Covid-19.
Indoor Air Quality Solutions from Optimum Air
HVAC filters can do only so much to help keep your indoor air nice and clean. While they can remove particles of a certain size, some employees may still struggle with allergy symptoms and illnesses triggered by allergens and microorganisms that slip through the cracks.
Here at Optimum Air, our air cleaning systems can protect your heating and cooling from damage while keeping the air you breathe contaminant-free. These include:
- Electronic air cleaners, or electronic air scrubbers, use electrically charged filters to trap airborne pollutants in a series of filters, thus preventing them from distributed through your indoor air.
- UV Air Purifiers use ultraviolet light is most effective at sterilizing the air of germs. Bacteria and viruses are instantly killed and sterilized – as in, prevented from reproducing – as they pass through UV light.
- Air Filtration Systems are not effective at killing germs, bacteria or viruses, but are a great way to rid your air of dust, debris, pet dander, and harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds.
Commercial Humidifier | Commercial Dehumidifiers
Humidity levels make a big difference on your comfort levels throughout the year. And, as we can demonstrate, a whole-building humidifier or dehumidifier can do more than improve air quality. They can help reduce your HVAC costs and keep your systems running longer.
- Humidifier – Forced air heat can dry up sinuses, adversely affect allergy and asthma problems, help create dry skin, and potentially damage wood furniture and furnishings. With a humidifier working alongside your heating system, you can add just the right amount of humidity to render your workspace infinitely more pleasant.
- Dehumidifier – Hot, sticky, and clammy is no way to make gain maximum productivity from your employees. Add comfort without needing to add more cool air with a whole-building dehumidifier.
At Optimum Air, we install, maintain, and repair just the right air quality systems for small to medium size commercial enterprises throughout the area. We can do the same for you while also attending to your company’s HVAC needs. Contact us today for a free consultation and proposal.