How much time do you spend at home and indoors? Ten, twelve, fourteen hours a day? More? Whatever the amount, it’s a healthy number with a potentially unhealthy outcome. You see, indoor air is, on average, twice as polluted as outdoor air. So, the more you’re exposed to dirt, dust, bacteria, viruses, pesticides, chemical cleaning…
Problems Caused by Dry Indoor Air
It’s not just the snow, ice, and cold that try our patience during the winter months. There’s also dry indoor air. As outdoor temps dip, and heating systems kick in, indoor humidity levels take a serious dip. And that can do more harm than simply causing dry, itchy skin or chapped lips. Here are some…
How to Get Rid of Mold in Your HVAC System
While mold is most certainly one item you would love to live without, you can’t – at least not at home. That’s because every home and commercial building with plumbing, heating and cooling systems has at least some mold. So, the idea isn’t how to get rid of it, but locate and minimize its growth.…
How to Increase Indoor Humidity
Ready for one of life’s little ironies? Okay, here it is. When people complain about the summer heat, it’s often not the heat that’s bothering them – it’s the humidity. Ninety degrees and dry is pretty comfortable. Ninety degrees with 90% humidity – most would agree – is miserable. When temperatures begin to moderate, you…
Problems Caused by Dry Air
Let’s say you’re nearing retirement or know someone who is. They hate the idea of leaving friends and family, but they’re making the big move to Arizona anyway. Reason? To leave high humidity behind and enjoy all that nice, dry desert air. Uh, really? Indoors or out, dry air has its own fair share of…
The Facts About a UV Air Purifier
When you walk into your home, what do you see? Everything you’re supposed to see, right? Kids doing their homework (with any luck), same carpet and furniture as before, the remodeled kitchen you just completed, and all the rest. And yet, it’s what takes up the most space that you can’t see – the air.…
4 Benefits of a Whole-House Dehumidifier
When you walk through your front door, there are plenty of things you want to leave behind. Crazy amounts of traffic, an unsettling experience at work, and let’s not forget scorching Dallas area heat and humidity. What you want is an escape from all that in your own private oasis. But wanting it doesn’t make…
The Problem with New-Carpet Odor
“New” can be a wonderful scent. A car with leather interior, a scented candle lit for the first time, a batch of cookies fresh out of the oven, fresh basil from the garden – these and more do a remarkable job of awakening our senses. Then again, some new household odors aren’t nearly as inviting.…
How to Minimize Dust in Your House
Keeping dust at bay is a never-ending battle. No sooner do you finish wiping down a surface before those pesky little particles come right back home to roost. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to reduce total dust accumulation. The result will be less housework and less sneezing for those who…
Comfortable Indoor Humidity
Everyone knows about outdoor humidity, but how much do you pay attention to relative indoor humidity? Most of our customers would answer that question like this: “Not so much.” Well for starters, the right level of indoor humidity is just as important to your overall comfort as the temperature. The older your AC system, for…