4 Benefits of a Whole-House Dehumidifier

When you walk through your front door, there are plenty of things you want to leave behind. Crazy amounts of traffic, an unsettling experience at work, and let’s not forget scorching Dallas area heat and humidity.

What you want is an escape from all that in your own private oasis. But wanting it doesn’t make it so.

Take high levels of indoor humidity, for example. Newer central AC systems help maintain the right balance of cool air and relative humidity. Once your system gets older, moving excess humidity outdoors becomes increasingly problematic.

That leaves you with two primary options: replace your aging AC system or pair it up with a whole-house dehumidifier. While the latter isn’t a permanent solution (nothing is!), it’s a lot faster to implement and costs much less, too.

4 Benefits of a Whole-House Dehumidifier

Other than bringing about an immediate improvement in home comfort, a new home dehumidifier also will deliver:

  • Reduced risk of mold and mildew. High humidity fosters mold and mildew growth, especially in dark places, including inside your AC system. Too much mold and mildew can be harmful to your health and the integrity of your home.
  • Reduced risk of warped wood. High humidity can do a number on wood furniture and doors, flooring, musical instruments, and other items of value.
  • Avoid water damage around your house. When the humidity is too high, the extra moisture in the air can damage ceilings and walls. A whole house dehumidifier can save you from a slew of potentially expensive repairs.
  • Restrict the growth of household allergens. Household allergens like dust mites, mildew and mold grow best when humidity is at 55 percent or higher. By constantly keeping your home at an ideal indoor humidity level, you can stop the growth of these allergens before they start.

To learn more or schedule a free in-home consultation and estimate, contact the indoor air quality specialists at Optimum Air today.