Problems Caused by Dry Air

Let’s say you’re nearing retirement or know someone who is. They hate the idea of leaving friends and family, but they’re making the big move to Arizona anyway.  Reason? To leave high humidity behind and enjoy all that nice, dry desert air.

Uh, really?  Indoors or out, dry air has its own fair share of problems. Allergic to dust? Dessert air is to be avoided. Then there’s pollen – a whopping 35% of Phoenix residents experience some level of pollen-induced allergy problems.

Back on the DFW home front, dry indoor air can do a number on you, too. Here a just a few of the problems that could be affecting you.

Problems Caused by Dry Air

Nose Bleeds

The upper part of your respiratory system, including your throat, nose, and nasal passages tend to dry out and become irritated. That’s uncomfortable in its own right; worse, it can lead to random nose bleeds.

Respiratory Issues

Your throat and nose are lined with moist membranes that, under normal circumstances, serve to capture dirt, dust, viruses and bacteria before they reach our lungs. Once the membranes dry up, you become increasingly prone to allergy, asthma, and other upper respiratory issues.

Skin Irritation

More than half your skin is made of water. The dryer your air, the dryer your skin. And then the symptoms of dry skin begin to pop up: itching, flaking, and tightness around the joints. And let’s not forget about chapped lips and other problems like eczema and acne. Honestly – do you want a whole winter of that just for the sake of keeping warm?

Static Electrical Shock

The dryer the air, the greater the supply of static electricity in your home. High amounts of it cause blankets and clothes to stick together. And, more noticeably, it can cause painful electric shocks every time you touch a doorknob or other metal surface.

Home & Property Damage

Dry air is no dummy – it goes looking for moist air and makes every effort to absorb it. Your home structure itself contains moisture. As it dries up, so do doors, floors and other wooden surfaces, including furniture, musical instruments, and more.

Even such a gloomy tale can have a happy ending and, with Optimum Air on the case, your happy ending is just a phone call away. With your approval, we’ll install a whole-house humidifier to work in tandem with your furnace. Together, they’ll keep you warm and comfortable with just the right amount of indoor humidity. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a free in-home consultation and proposal.