Whether you think of your AC system as an investment or expense, you want to get every last dollar’s worth out of it you possibly can. Well, there is a right way and wrong way to do that. The wrong way is much easier to explain: do nothing at all. That’s right, just sit back…
Is AC Good for Your Health?
Having central AC at home isn’t just about keeping cool and comfortable. It’s about feeling better than “sticky, hot, and irritable.” Which begs the question: what exactly does “feeling better” consist of? Let’s have a look. Primary Health Benefits of Air Conditioning Reduced Stress – A cool interior help keep you calm, meaning less stress…
More Ways to Keep Cool in the Summer
Keeping cool indoors and not letting utility costs get out of control is sometimes a difficult juggling act. It’s also one that usually assumes that central AC is the ONLY way to keep cool at home. Well, it’s not, and we’re here to demonstrate a few other ways that will do the trick nicely and…
6 Summer Home Maintenance “Must Do’s”
One thing most people want from summer is more leisure time. And yet sometimes home maintenance chores get in the way. Any way around it? Absolutely: prioritize in advance what needs to be done so you control home maintenance projects instead of letting them control you. Here are a few practical examples to help get…
6 Summer Home Maintenance “Must Do’s”
One thing most people want from summer is more leisure time. Sometimes, however, home maintenance activities get in the way. Any way around it? Absolutely: prioritize in advance what needs to be done so you control home maintenance projects instead of letting them control you. Here are a few practical examples to help get you…
Should I Turn Off My AC System During A Thunderstorm?
There’s nothing like hot and humid weather to make you fully appreciate your air conditioning service. And yet it’s that same kind of weather that creates thunderstorms. That begs the question: how well do air conditioning and thunderstorms mix? We know you don’t want to hear this but operating your air conditioner while thunder and…
Leave Your AC System on During Vacation
Wherever summer vacation is taking you, what happens when you get home? Will things be pretty much as you left them or will an unpleasant surprise or two be waiting for you. Well, a lot depends on what steps you take to prepare your home for your departure, and that includes you central AC system.…
Air Conditioning Health & Related Benefits
As of spring, 2018, a US government survey reports that more than 100 million homes have central air condition. Which means it’s no longer a novelty or even a luxury only for the affluent. Today, it’s pretty much expected. But here’s what you may not expect. A well-maintained AC system can do much more than…
Air Conditioning Health Benefits
You buy something like an air conditioning system for added comfort. But that doesn’t mean additional benefits don’t come along for the ride.You see, on top of cool, comfortable temperatures and lower utility costs – when compared to window air conditioning units – central air systems provide several important health benefits, including these: Reduced Stress…
How to Avoid Costly AC Mistakes
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, air conditioners use about 6 percent of all the electricity produced in the U.S. Today, in fact, more than 90 percent of US households rely on some sort of air conditioning to help them beat the heat. Can that level of energy consumption be reduced without depriving anyone…