More Ways to Keep Cool in the Summer

Keeping cool indoors and not letting utility costs get out of control is sometimes a difficult juggling act.  It’s also one that usually assumes that central AC is the ONLY way to keep cool at home.

Well, it’s not, and we’re here to demonstrate a few other ways that will do the trick nicely and shave a few bucks of your electricity bill.

Keep your blinds closed.

Family Handyman notes that up to 30 percent of unwanted heat comes from your windows; so, utilizing shades, curtains and the like can save you up to 7 percent on electricity and lower indoor temperatures by up to 20 degrees.

More Ways to Keep Cool in the Summer

Invest in blackout curtains.

Blackout curtains block sunlight, naturally insulating the rooms where you have them. Consumer Reports recommends neutral-colored curtains with white plastic backings to reduce heat gain by up to 33 percent.

Use natural light and high efficiency lighting

Take advantage of daytime light or use energy efficient light bulbs, such as LEDs, in your high-use areas. That will prevent added heat and take some pressure off your AC system.

Wear sunglasses

If you’re heading out, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun’s glare. Have some time to relax? Place a chilled slice of cucumber on each yet to let them cool down and reduce puffiness.

Let nature in

Keep well-watered plants and bowls of cool water around the house, as evaporation helps cool the ambient temperature.

Eat cold foods

There’s a very good reason we all turn to the salad drawer when the sun comes out – cold foods like salad and fruit contain more water, and good hydration helps cool you down.

You also can keep cool for less by having your AC system regularly cleaned and checked.  That’s where we come in.  If your system hasn’t received preventive maintenance in more than year, contact Optimum Air for top-notch service with a guaranteed upfront price quote.