Why Are My Air Vents Dirty?

It can happen in the cleanest homes you know, including yours. “It,” in this case, is dirt forming on or near your air supply vents and registers.

When people first notice, it’s easy to assume that the dirt particles are coming from inside the ductwork. But that’s not the case.

Air Vents Dirty

All that dirt already resides in your home and is simply being deposited on your vents by the flow of conditioned air. What kind of dirt are we talking about?  Dust, pollen, pend dander, chemical cleaning byproducts, and more.

Now that you know the source of the problem, here’s how to prevent it:

  • Clean or replace your heating and air filters regularly to help keep dust and dirt out of your living spaces.
  • Once a week, thoroughly vacuum and dust your home.
  • Keep doors adjacent to your garage closed and well-sealed.
  • Don’t smoke indoors, and don’t allow anyone else to do so, either.
  • Have a professional determine where the air is being directed from your range hood fan. Many such fans simply return the air back into the home instead of venting it outdoors.
  • Don’t burn cheap, inefficient candles indoors.

More than anything, signs of indoor air pollutants indicate a clear need for heating or cooling system preventive maintenance.  It’s a service we perform for gladly for customers throughout the DFW area. Because in addition to cleaner air, you’ll enjoy improved system performance, fewer repairs, and reduced utility costs.

Has it been a year or longer since your last heating or cooling system cleaning and inspection?  If so, contact Optimum Air today to schedule service.