The REME HALO Air Purifier. For an Added Layer of Protection.

What occupies the most amount of space in your home? Sure, it’s the air. In fact, it’s everywhere you go. You walk through it, sleep in it, and it keeps you company while you’re dining, bathing, or watching TV.

The point being you can’t escape it. But not all indoor air is created equal. Air quality can be good, bad, or somewhere in between. In fact, the EPA states that indoor air is up to five times more polluted than the air outdoors.

Introducing the REME HALO® Whole-House Air Purifier

As indoor air quality specialists, Optimum Air has installed numerous brands and models of air purifying systems. These days, there’s none we recommend more often than the REME HALO® air purifier, the one that out-purifies them all.

The REME HALO® system is installed inside your home’s air ducts and purifies every cubic inch of space your central air or forced hot air heating system can reach.  It’s designed to eliminate sick building syndrome by reducing both odors AND air pollutants.

Invented to recreate nature’s process of purifying the air, REME HALO® is the next best thing to bringing fresh outdoor air inside without ever the need to open windows. This highly effective product also eliminates the three categories of indoor air pollutants: particulates, microbials, and gases.

More Benefits of REME HALO® 

  • Reduces common allergy triggers from particulates such as pollen, mold spores, dander, and dust
  • Thoroughly tested on airborne and surface bacteria & viruses, such as MRSA, e-coli, and Norwalk, to name a few.
  • Eliminates odors from cooking, pets, dirty socks, diaper pails, and musty rooms.


Most air purifiers trap pollutants as they pass through the system’s filter – in other words, they passively lay in wait. REME HALO®, on the other hand, also proactively hunts pollutants down.

The system’s Hydroperoxides sweep through your home actively purifying pollutants at the source. In addition, the charged plasma induces particles to stick together, thus making them bigger and easier for your filtration system to trap.

Hydroperoxides occur naturally in the earth’s atmosphere and are part of nature’s process of cleaning the air.

So, if you want the one whole-house air purifier that improves the way you feel, sleep, and make your house smell better, contact Optimum Air today for a free new system proposal.