All those who want their AC inspection system to shut down in the dead of summer, raise your hands.
Let’s see, as we scan the crowd before us, we see a total zero hands raised. May all your tests be that easy.
But hold the phone – if no one wants their AC to shut down, why is it that most home owners don’t take the initiative to have their systems cleaned and inspected at least once a year? Is it the whole idea of “leave well enough alone”, or “don’t fix what ain’t broken”?
If so, it’s time to dash those thoughts out of your head – otherwise you’re just asking for trouble.
Consider the logic:
- Your AC system is a mechanical “thing” and all things mechanical have a limited lifespan
- The average lifespan of an AC system is 12-15 years and it costs a good bit of money to replace it
- Take good care of your system, however, and it not only will last longer, you’ll spend less money on repair work along the way
The logic really is that simple. Even better, Optimum Air performs AC cleanings and AC inspection on all makes and models, including yours. Our service is as thorough as can be, thus enabling us to spot any problems in the making before they can blossom into more complicated repairs.
Take our word for it: your AC system will perform better, last longer, and cost less to operate with annual maintenance performed by Optimum Air. Contact us today to request service.