AC Sizing – What’s the Big Deal!

Here’s a situation where your answer should be something like: “Uh, let me get back to you on that!”

Your AC system isn’t running all that well. So, you call an HVAC service provider and they send a technician to your home to investigate the problem. After about a half hour of checking things out, he tells you the system needs to be replaced. “But,” he says, “don’t worry because all we need to do is swap out your existing condensing unit and air handler for new models – same size, same everything. Boom, the job is done!”

AC Sizing – What’s the Big Deal

If you don’t know any better, a presentation like that is probably music to your ears. No fuss, no muss, and minimal down time during the replacement. But, after you finish reading this blog, you will know better and why you should not accept a proposal like that on blind faith.

The size of the “box” – the amount of tonnage and BTU’s you need to effectively cool your home – is the result of a new system proposal, not the starting point. That’s because size can’t be determined until proper measurements have been taken, including:

  • Size and location of your windows
  • Ceiling height
  • Square footage
  • Location of vents or registers
  • Location and condition of return vent
  • The condition of your air ducts
  • Your family’s schedule
  • The ideal number of zones to match up with your schedule
  • And more

These are the factors that help determine what size your AC system should be. Otherwise, you’re likely to end up with one that’s either too large or too small. And either way, it’s going to incur more wear and tear, chew up added energy dollars, not last as long, and cost you more in system repairs.

To prevent all those headaches, contact Optimum Air today for exactly the right new system proposal – heating or cooling. We have the strength of our experience to guide us, and that’s your ultimate assurance of a job well done.