The Multiple Benefits of House Plants

The Multiple Benefits of House PlantsIt’s a lucky thing most of us don’t suffer from claustrophobia given the amount of time we spend indoors during a typical DFW winter.

When the first signs of spring occur, we practically sprint our way to the backyard or front porch to fully embrace the warmer, balmy air and sunshine.

In the meantime, there’s still plenty of winter to wade through.  So, why not bring a little bit of spring indoors – namely, house plants – to help keep you company and give you a new hobby, to boot.  If you have even a hint of a green thumb, here’s what you could accomplish all at once:

  • Fresh new touches of décor
  • Added indoor humidity to help offset the extra dry air your heating system delivers
  • Cleaner indoor air as many types of house plants are highly adept at filtering out bacteria and other airborne pollutants

And now for a few specifics:

Liven up a corner.

Living and family room corners can be difficult places to decorate.  But it’s nothing that a potted tree or a decorative plant stand can’t accomplish, or maybe even a wall-mounted plant rack right in tune with your decor.

An orchid in every bathroom.

Orchids love humidity, and what better place to absorb it than inside your bathroom.

Grow fresh herbs in your kitchen.

Plants help make your house smell better, like when you grow fresh herbs in your kitchen or sun room.

No dirt up your sleeves!

How about a plant that requires neither soil nor water to grow?  It’s called Tillandsia and will flourish quite nicely on a piece of bark or in a conch shell with just an occasional misting.

Plants for the non-industrious and forgetful 

Concerned about your ability or willingness to take proper care of your plants?  Well, don’t let that stop you from enjoying the experience of having them.  Just be careful which varieties you choose.  Plants like ferns, pothos, jade and cacti do very well with minimum care, but they do need some.

And then there’s the primary benefit of indoor plants:  their ability to attract and destroy airborne pollutants.  Ask your neighborhood florist or nursery for help in selecting just the right varieties, and then look forward to considerable relief from allergies, asthma, and other upper respiratory ailments.

If your indoor air quality issues are more serious, contact Optimum Air for more information about our several whole-house air quality solutions. We don’t offer you a cure for what ails you, but we can remove the cause of your problems for good.