How to Reduce Your Energy & Heating Costs in Bedford & Euless


So you think you know Dallas area weather pretty well?

Okay, smarty pants blog reader – and without looking it up – what are the average daily temperatures for December, January and February?  Otherwise known as winter.

While Chicago or New York we are not, winter definitely comes a-calling with average monthly highs, December through February, of 58, 57, and 61, and average monthly lows of 39, 37, and 41.  And that isn’t enough to get your heating system checked out, we don’t know what it.

You see, with an annual system clean and check from Optimum Air, we can clean or replace the filter and do all the other things needed to help you heat your more thoroughly, reliably, and for less money throughout the colder weather months.

Here are 5 other low-cost ways to start conserving energy and saving even more money:  ColdLadyChange light bulbs. 

It won’t be too much longer before incandescent bulbs go the way of cassette players, so why wait?  The little extra you pay now for LED or CFL bulbs will be more than offset the lower electricity costs and longer-lasting bulbs.

Ceiling fan, anyone? 

Since there’s nothing anyone can do to heat from rising to the ceiling where it’s not keeping you warm, the next best thing is to push it back down with a ceiling fan.  Just be sure to purchase one that spins in both directions so you can reduce energy costs during the summer, too, by running your fan in reverse.

Replace your thermostat.

If you leave your thermostat now at 68 degrees, for example, when you leave the house so it will be nice and warm when you return, you’re wasting a whole lot of energy.  Instead, replace older thermostats with new, programmable models so you can program the heat to rise and fall at pre-determined times.

Locate and close air leaks. 

It’s estimated that the average American household leaks enough conditioned air to fill the size of hula hoop.  That’s like having one giant hole in your wall instead of numerous smaller ones – but the net effect is the same.  So do what you can to locate and seal existing air leaks.  Here’s a link to to guide you in that process.

Check your insulation.

Older or poor quality insulation is like a direct escape hatch for your heat:  from your home to your attic to the great outdoors.  If you’ve been paying too much to heat your home, it might be time to repair or replace your insulation.

Of course, there’s always the chance that your older heating system can no longer efficiently or effectively heat your home.  If the time has come to replace it, Optimum Air is here to recommend, design, and install the right heating system for your home and budget.  We can also help you identify where and how air is escaping your home so your new or existing furnace can do a better and more cost-efficient job.