How to Lower Indoor Humidity Levels.

Lower Indoor Humidity LevelsIf high outdoor humidity seems to be following you indoors, then something is definitely wrong with your AC system.

Here are two distinct possibilities of what could be wrong:

  • You have an over-sized AC system. Let’s say, for example, that you have a 4-ton AC system when all you really needed was a 3-ton system.  While an oversized system will get your home down to the desired temperature setting faster but, as soon as it does, it will shut itself off.  That means it spends more time “off” then a correctly sized system and that’s what creates beyond-comfortable humidity levels.
  • Frozen evaporator coil. When a home AC system is running correctly, it’s the evaporator coil within the indoor unit (air handler) that’s actually doing the lion’s share of keeping your house nice and cool.  And yet evaporator coils are prone to freezing in older systems or those not properly maintained.  When that happens, a loss of cool air along with higher humidity levels are the inevitable consequences.

Or, your AC system could be reaching the end of its effective lifespan.  The less efficient it becomes, the less its ability to cool and de-humidify your home the new way a new and properly sized system can.

Bottom line, even if you’re happy with the amount of cool air your AC system is producing but not thrilled with your indoor humidity levels, contact Optimum Air to schedule a service appointment.  We’ll troubleshoot the problem to figure out exactly what’s going on, and then present you with alternative ways to correct it.  Plus, no work begins until you approve our guaranteed upfront price.  For service when you need it – and from people dedicated to your complete satisfaction – contact Optimum Air today.