How to Beat the Summer Heat

When Summer heat temps go sky-high, staying cool and comfortable can feel like a lost cause. Sure, you can head indoors for some relief. But what happens when things are just as bad indoors as out?

To come out on top, follow these 7 tips for staying cool this summer while saving money using items you already likely have on hand.

Pillow Power.

Having trouble falling asleep because of the heat and humidity? Place your pillowcase in a plastic bag and stick it in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes. Better yet, place 2 or 3 in there so you can swap them out should you wake up in the middle of the night.

Sheet Savvy.

Wet a sheet or large towel with cool water and wring it out so it’s just barely damp, not dripping. It will help you stay cool as a cucumber as you drift off to sleep. Consider keeping a clean spray bottle filled with cold water and a couple drops of rubbing alcohol on your bedside table so you can give the sheet or towel a spritz if you wake up in the middle of the night feeling warm.

Beverage Chiller.

Need an ice-cold beverage fast? Run a paper towel under cold water, wrap it around the bottle or can, and stick in in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes. The water from the paper towel will evaporate, drawing heat from the bottle so it will cool faster.

Double Up.

Running a ceiling fan in conjunction with the AC allows you to turn the thermostat up a few degrees without sacrificing comfort. The AC will lower the overall temp while the fan circulates the conditioned air throughout the room.


If you’re stuck at a desk all day, place some ice cubes in a bowl and position it in front of a small fan. Turn the fan on low and let the chilled air envelop you.

Cross Ventilate.

Harness the power of airflow by placing a box fan in front of a window with the blower side in and another fan in an opposite window blowing air out. This will help push warm interior air away and draw cooler outdoor air in.

Wonderful Windows.

Double-hung windows do more than look nice. Open the top section of windows on the down-wind side of your home and the bottom section on the up-wind side to create a cooling breeze, especially at night when outdoor temps have fallen below those inside.

Your mission to stay cool without spending more money is doomed from the get-go without annual preventive maintenance for your AC system. The whole point is to keep it in top working order so it doesn’t need to work harder and harder to keep you cool. Contact Optimum Air today if it’s been a year or longer since your system was last tuned up and inspected.