How and When to Unplug in Grand Prairie and Irving

family in silhouette at sunsetToday’s highly technological world is amazing, isn’t it? It allows us to connect with friends and family across the globe with just a few clicks. We can share pictures, video, and even video chat in real time. Plus, work that once depended on snail mail can now be accomplished with scanners, email, and electronic signatures, allowing many of us to work from home or pretty much anywhere else in the world.

But do you ever feel like we might be a little too connected? When our children’s performances, family dinners, and even vacations are constantly interrupted by the constant dings of our phones or laptops? If so, maybe you just need a day to unplug.

And now you have it! That’s right, the first Friday of March is National Day on Unplugging.

Here are a few ideas on how to make the most of the occasion.

Choose the Day

Perhaps the first Friday of March doesn’t work for you. Maybe you have that important conference call, or are traveling for work and need to stay connected to family and colleagues. So choose a day that works for you; one that will offer minimal interruptions so you can focus on and enjoy the things and people that are most important to you.

Plan Ahead

We know that it may not be practical for you to unplug completely. After all, work needs to get done, appointments need to be made, and you never know when you’ll get a call from the school nurse. But with a little planning, you can set some realistic goals that you can attain. For example:

  • No checking or updating social media, texting, or browsing the web for personal reasons.
  • Upon leaving work, adopting an electronic email signature that lets people know you will be unreachable until the following day (so no checking email once you get home).
  • Take care of important phone calls or emails ahead of time, and let those around you know what you are doing so that they may support you.

Enjoy Connecting

Plan some special activities with friends of family. Meet your best friend for coffee instead of texting him or her throughout the day. Cook a delicious dinner with your kids, go for a walk or bike ride with your spouse, or simply enjoy some quiet time to reflect, write in a journal, or catch up on your reading. As easy as it is to connect virtually these days, nothing replaces a face-to-face meeting, a hand-written note, or the sound of a voice from across the country. Appreciate what you have around you, and remember that relationships are more than words or pictures on a screen.

If, however, you suddenly lose your heat or your AC system goes haywire on that one special day you pick to unplug, family and friends will understand if you make just that one quick and simple phone call to Optimum Air for prompt and efficient problem resolution to whatever the indoor comfort problem might be. And, just for the record, you can also contact us by email.