The Best Air Purification System | Guardian Air REME+ Air Purifier

Some Think Guardian Air REME+ is the Nation’s Best Whole-House Home Air Purifier. We’re Among Them.

A young woman is reading a book with her poodle on the sofa

Guess where America’s poorest quality indoor air is located? Right inside your house, unless you already have some type of air purification system.

But not just your house. Homes all across the land contain indoor air that is, on average, twice as polluted as the air outdoors and can be up to 100 times more polluted.

It’s a big problem. In fact, the US Environmental Protection Agency ranks indoor air pollution among our nation’s top 5 health problems. Here’s more from the EPA and World Health Organization:

  • 50% of all respiratory illness is caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air.
  • More than 50% of premature deaths among children under 5 are due to pneumonia caused by particulate matter (dust) inhaled from household air pollution.
  • 3.8 million premature deaths occur annually from non-communicable diseases including stroke, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer are attributed to exposure to household air pollution.

It’s a massive and widespread problem, all right, but experts agree that one of the most effective solutions is a high quality air cleaning (or purification) systems, and there is a growing body of experts that agree on which is the best air cleaner of them all: the Guardian Air REME+. REME, by the way, stands for “reflective electro-magnetic energy.”

How Guardian Air REME+ Works

The Guardian Air REME+ air purifier cleans your air in two ways:

  • Kills 99% and more of all airborne pollutants that attempt to pass through its filter as the air travels through your ductwork
  • Secondly, the system sends naturally occurring oxidizers out into your home to destroy surface and airborne pathogens and toxins before they get anywhere near your ductwork

These oxidizers, which naturally occur in nature, are crucial to your good health. Which also helps explain why far more people get sick indoors vs. outdoors. Now, with Guardian Air REME+ air purifier, you can solve that problem right inside your own home.

Guardian REME+ Air Purification System9 Reasons to Choose the Guardian REME+ Air Purification System

  1. It’s installed directly into your AC or ventilation system which gives it whole-house capability.
  2. Independent lab tests show that it gets rid of up to 85% of toxic gases and noxious smells.
  3. Guardian Air REME+ It uses zero chemicals.
  4. It leaves no residue upon cleaning.
  5. Independent lab tests show that it reduces microbials on food surfaces by up to 99%. It also reduces E. coli, Listeria, Strep, MRSA, Avian Flu and Norwalk Virus by the same amount.
  6. The system is built from top-of-the-line air purification technology, and is used in over one million businesses, residences and governmental agencies in the United States alone
  7. Guardian Air REME+ is EPA, FDA and USDA approved.
  8. It takes out the bad stuff, and leaves the good stuff, like cleansed oxygen and hydrogen.
  9. Minimum maintenance is required unlike other bulkier air filtration systems.

To learn more about how Optimum Air can help rid your home of all sorts of indoor air and pollution problems, contact us today for a free in-home consultation and new system quote.

