As much as there is to enjoy about the fall season, it’s also the perfect time to get your home ready for the increasingly colder temps, wind, rain – and even snow – that are just off the horizon. So, before you carve those pumpkins and fill your home with all the colors of the…
4 Tips for Great Indoor Wood Fires
If you feel like you’re not yet master of your own wood fires place, here’s a crash course on how to advance your skill set by creating and sustaining longer-lasting fires with greater heat generation. Wood Stove vs. Fireplace It’s easier to get a fire started in a conventional fireplace, but easier to keep one…
How to Prevent Dry Skin this Winter
As the weather gradually turns cooler and the “Cool” setting gets shifted to “Heat” on your thermostat, those won’t be the only changes you start to notice. Little by little, your indoor air will begin to dry out and, with that, comes an inevitable set of consequences…dry, itchy skin in particular, not to mention bloody…
How to Avoid Costly AC Mistakes
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, air conditioners use about 6 percent of all the electricity produced in the U.S. Today, in fact, more than 90 percent of US households rely on some sort of air conditioning to help them beat the heat. Can that level of energy consumption be reduced without depriving anyone…
Back to School Health Tips for Students
It was bound to happen: a fond farewell to summer and perhaps a tepid greeting to a brand-new school year. How’s the state of readiness in your household? Well, for purposes of this blog, we’re going to assume you have clothes shopping, new school supplies, a return to normal bed times, and other such matters…
“Must” Home Maintenance Chores
You know the old expression: “If these walls could talk!” Quaint and wistful, don’t you think? But its core message is that walls really CAN’T talk Not to mention lights, furnaces, AC condensing units, windows, doors and other inanimate objects. Here at Optimum Air, we respectfully disagree. Oh, sure, they can’t actually speak any more…
How Your AC Evaporator Coils Can Freeze, and What Happens When They Do
Time for a little AC 101 – at least until we get to the meat of this blog. Your home air conditioning system consists of three main parts: the outside condensing unit, indoor air handler, and the air ducts that deliver cool, fresh air through your vents or registers. While companies like ours perform countless…
How Improved Air Circulation Can Reduce Your Energy Costs
The older your AC system, the more it costs to run it – just a simple fact of life in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. But that doesn’t mean you should be content with those ever-climbing utility bills. In fact, go ahead and get mad at them if it helps. Even better, resolve to do something…
Does My Home Need More Attic Ventilation?
Roofing experts claim the majority of U.S. homes do not have proper attic (or roof) ventilation. That can lead to severe roof damage plus big spikes in your energy bills. Without proper ventilation, attic temperatures can climb to 140 degrees and higher during the summer months. What does it feel like? Just like the inside…
Clean Floors Lead to Cleaner Indoor Air
For many home owners in the DFW area, indoor air quality is a daily concern as they seek to copy with symptoms from allergies, asthma, and other upper respiratory ailments. Still, there’s plenty you can do to help your own cause, and that includes keeping your floors as clean as possible. Here are a few…