Certain expressions in life can make you cringe if you hear them too often. You know, like: “Be the person you were meant to be.” “Accidents will happen.” And then there’s this little gem – “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” But what about: “You never get a second chance to…
How to Reduce Home Cooling Costs
There’s nothing quite like relaxing inside your air-conditioned home on a hot summer day. Of course, that kind of calm and comfort comes with a price – literally. The logic is simple enough – the more time your AC spends keeping you cool, the more it runs up your electricity bill. And then there’s that…
Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your AC Check-up
Imagine driving your car – day in and day out, month after month – without ever checking the tire pressure, filter, or changing the oil. That might work fine for a few months – maybe even a year. But eventually, your car will start showing signs of trouble. If you’re lucky, you can get back…
Outdoor Projects that Can Add Value to Your Home
Outdoor home improvements not only can transform the look and feel of your property; they can add living space and recreational opportunities. Yet not all such projects generate a return on your investment. So, if you’re thinking about refreshing your home’s exterior or outdoor space while building equity, Here are 7 project ideas likely to…
Common Heating & Cooling Terms
It’s a hot and humid day in July and your central air system isn’t keeping your home as cool and comfortable as you’d like. So, you call up your trusty HVAC company and try to describe what’s been going on. The person on the other end of the line starts asking you some questions and…
When Not to Use Disinfectant Wipes
Regularly disinfecting frequently touched surfaces is always a good idea – not just during a pandemic. But doing so isn’t a magical cure-all as disinfectants can damage some surfaces. Read on to find out when not to use disinfectant wipes. Your Skin – Disinfectant wipes are meant for hard surfaces, not your hands, face, or…
AC Sizing – What’s the Big Deal!
Here’s a situation where your answer should be something like: “Uh, let me get back to you on that!” Your AC system isn’t running all that well. So, you call an HVAC service provider and they send a technician to your home to investigate the problem. After about a half hour of checking things out,…
Why You Should Clean and Replace Your HVAC Filters Often
It shouldn’t take a viral flu or pandemic to encourage you to clean or replace your HVAC filters and furnace filters on a regular basis. It’s just basic common sense and for these primary reasons. Extend the life of your system. A clean filter allows conditioned air to flow through unobstructed. That reduces wear and…
Problems Caused by Dry Indoor Air
It’s not just the snow, ice, and cold that try our patience during the winter months. There’s also dry indoor air. As outdoor temps dip, and heating systems kick in, indoor humidity levels take a serious dip. And that can do more harm than simply causing dry, itchy skin or chapped lips. Here are some…
How to Get Rid of Mold in Your HVAC System
While mold is most certainly one item you would love to live without, you can’t – at least not at home. That’s because every home and commercial building with plumbing, heating and cooling systems has at least some mold. So, the idea isn’t how to get rid of it, but locate and minimize its growth.…