It’s a lucky thing most of us don’t suffer from claustrophobia given the amount of time we spend indoors during a typical DFW winter. When the first signs of spring occur, we practically sprint our way to the backyard or front porch to fully embrace the warmer, balmy air and sunshine. In the meantime, there’s…
Why You Shouldn’t Cover Your Air Conditioner During the Winter
As you drive through the suburbs of the Dallas/Fort Worth area during the heating season, here’s something you’re bound to see over and over again: neatly wrapped and tied outdoor air conditioner units. After all, since covers are sold in the first place, buying them to cover your AC unit must be the smart move,…
Pet Care Tips for Winter
Winter can be a hazardous time for your pet care cat or dog. In fact, when you combine frigid outdoor temperatures and chemicals from ice-melting agents, a simple walk around the block can be challenging in the extreme. That’s why we encourage you to follow these seasonal safety precautions: Help prevent dry, itchy skin by…
Why Does My Home Have Hot & Cold Spots?
As you’re reading this blog, are you sitting comfortably – all warm and cozy – in your favorite room, while elsewhere in your home you might need an extra sweater, slippers, and hand warmers to help prevent frost bite? Voila, hot and cold spots! A common condition when you have an older heating system, especially…
4 Benefits of a Whole-House Humidifier
You know that “thing” that comes around here in the summer that we all pretty much hate? Come on, you know what we’re talking about. It’s sticky, never seems to go away and, on really bad days, might even follow you indoors? That’s right: humidity! And yet, for all the complaining we do, come winter…
How to Prevent Home Heat Loss
Let’s say you’re as faithful as can be when it comes to keeping your heating system in sound working order. You have it inspected by a professional once a year, every few years you have your ducts cleaned, and you have multiple zones and programmable thermostats so your heating system isn’t over-worked throughout the winter.…
Prepare Your Home for Winter’s Arrival
There are so many ways to prepare your home for winter that they won’t all fit in a single blog. We know because we published one on this very subject last fall, and nothing (except one crucial item) will be duplicated in this one. So taking it from the top, here’s what you can do…
Creative Ways to Keep Warm Indoors
There’s only so far you can turn up your heat before it starts becoming cost prohibitive. So what can you do – quick fix wise – when the heat’s blasting but you’re still chilled to the bone? As you might expect, you have choices galore. Here ways to keep warm indoors: Cover your windows: Go…
Tips for Cleaner Indoor Air.
Air pollution remains a significant concern throughout the US, indoors and out. In fact, indoor air, on averages is 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air. Just how bad are things inside many peoples’ homes? According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, 50% of ALL illnesses are either irritated or caused by…
How to Prepare Your Car for an Emergency.
Being prepared for an emergency means being prepared anywhere. You know, like having what you need, when and where you need it. And having an action plan in place so you’re not left scratching your head, wondering what to do next.So, from an unexpected storm, power outage, or car failure, or whatever bit of bad…