Keep Your Heating & Cooling Systems in Peak Condition; Plus, Save Money with our Optimum Performance Plan.
A heartwarming moment of a boy and his dog enjoying time together on the floor. When colder temperatures draw near, you want to be able to switch from AC to heat seamlessly, and instantly begin feeling the warmth…no fuss, no muss. And, of course, the same is true once that magical day arrives and you need air conditioning indoors for the first time that season. Now you can help ensure one seamless change from Heating to AC and back again by enrolling in the Optimum Performance Plan.
Here’s what you get for one low Plan:
- Annual preventative maintenance for your heating and cooling systems
- Emergency repair services
- Priority scheduling
- 10% savings on all Optimum Air services
With annual preventative maintenance – the backbone of the Optimum Performance Plan – you can look forward to fewer system repairs, longer lifespans, added safety, reduced energy costs, and more.
Better yet, it all adds up to added peace of mind.
For more information about our Optimum Performance Plan, contact Optimum Air today.