There are all kinds of reasons to purchase a new car, and only one of them is that you refuse to spend even one more dollar getting the old “so and so” fixed.
When it comes to your heating system, refusing to have it “fixed” yet again is one of just a FEW reasons for buying a replacement. And while your car mechanic can be helpful in the decision to repair or replace, you absolutely need to depend on the advice of your home heating company to be sure you’re doing the right thing, economically and otherwise.
Do you have that kind of confidence in your home heating company? If not, we invite you to give Optimum Air a try, especially if your heating system isn’t currently performing up to par – assuming it’s performing at all.
Here’s rule number one at Optimum Air: we’re not out to earn your business, we’re out to earn your trust. If we’re successful with the latter, the new and repeat business will work itself out. That means there is no good reason for us to be anything BUT 100% honest and upfront front with you. As in, if we believe it’s a worthwhile investment to repair your system, we’ll tell you that, and we’ll explain why. If, on the other hand, it appears that a replacement system is your best move, even if it’s not in your budget, we’ll be honest about that, too. Even if it’s not what you really want to hear.
For the time being, let’s assume you are having a heating system problem, and you’re wondering just how serious it might be. While we can’t give you a definitive answer without first looking at it, we can tell you that
The following are the most common warning signs that “replacement” is at least a distinct possibility:
- Loud noises, including banding, thudding, and popping
- Uneven temperatures throughout your home
- Big spikes in your heating costs
- The need to set your thermostat higher and higher just to achieve the desired level of comfort
- Yellow vs. blue burner flame
- Your house is super dry and dusty during the colder weather months
- Your furnace is at least 15 years old
If you see your furnace problem in the list above, we still can’t tell you what your best course of action might be. Not without first seeing and diagnosing it. So how about it: looking for someone you can rely on for the long haul, and not just the once? Optimum Air is ready and more than willing to demonstrate why that “someone” should be us. Give us a call, and let’s see where that might lead.